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The 5 Best HGH Supplement Reviews for Bodybuilding in 2018

If you are a bodybuilder or you’re looking to get into the bodybuilding game, then it’s time to start looking at the HGH products that make things easier for you. Getting the body you desire takes a lot of hard work—and nothing is going to substitute for that.

However, if you could take a simple supplement that makes getting those results even a little bit easier, wouldn’t you want to go for it?

Human growth hormone supplements (HGH supplements) for bodybuilders help you achieve the body you are looking for. Read on to find the best HGH supplement for bodybuilding.


If you’re looking for a product that’s really going to maximize your results this is the way that you want to go. It’s made in a factory that’s entirely FDA compliant so you know you’re going to be better protected and get a product you can trust—one of the key reasons its popular with bodybuilders.

It also helps you get harder muscles and increases not only your energy but your recovery time as well. You get two different options when it comes to taking the product, an oral capsule and an oral spray, and you actually start seeing the results a whole lot faster.

A lot of people love this product and you’ll definitely see what it’s all about when you give it a try. If you’re into truly healthy ingredients, this is going to be the way to go because it’s actually made with natural ingredients and is designed specifically for bodybuilding without all the extras.

HGH – X2

If you’re looking for a pill that’s going to improve your overall muscle tone and bodybuilding this is the top option for you. The pill form makes it easy to take and the fact that it has plenty of great reviews and results from users is a huge positive.

It actually helps your pituitary gland release even more HGH into the bloodstream, which gets you better and faster results. It also increases the body’s muscle gain, strength, and stamina quite significantly, and it does so quickly. That means you start seeing results a lot faster than you might have thought.

On top of increasing the muscle, you gain it also reduces the body fat that you currently have. That means you’re going to start seeing the results faster than you would if it was only doing one or the other. You’ll be off to a pretty great start.


This one is actually really easy to use because it’s an oral spray. It’s made with natural ingredients so you don’t have to worry about your health—and it really works!

It’s actually also made with deer antler velvet, which is great for improving cell growth and improving amino acids in the body. Together, they’re able to help your body to develop the kind of muscles that you’re really looking for.

Even those who are struggling with an injury of some type—especially to the muscle—will recognize some really great benefits with this product.

Because it increases the functionality and the mobility of the joints themselves, this product actually makes it easier for you to work out and makes sure that you can build up your muscle through your own process.

You could enjoy increased strength, endurance, and stability and have more energy to go along with it all. That’s going to improve your entire life.

GenF20 Plus

Next up is another all natural product that’s going to give you capsules and oral spray. The ingredients are super effective and they give you the large, strong muscles that you’re looking for.

You can actually get monthly packages if you prefer and you’ll be able to buy it directly from the manufacturer if that makes you feel a little better. If you start to use it regularly, you’re actually going to start noticing a lot of changes even in just a short amount of time, because it’s made to really work.

GenF20 Plus improves your entire body. That means it’s not just increasing your muscles but increasing lean muscle mass and your overall health. People who have been involved with bodybuilding for a long time definitely like this product and believe it really gives them the results they’re looking for.


Our final choice is another pill that really gives you a whole lot of great results as well. It can help you to lose weight and build muscle, which means that it’s working from both sides at the same time.

It also builds lean muscle, which is a great way to go. It has some of the top ingredients that you’re looking for in any HGH product, like hawthorn berries, maca, and Mucuna pruriens. You also get a money-back guarantee for an extended period, which is a great way to try out anything.

If you’re looking for a product that’s really going to give you results, this is the way to go. However, it’s also going to be slightly more expensive than some of the other options out there. That means you’re going to want to take a close look at what you’re really getting and make sure it’s what you need.


Getting the best results in the gym isn’t always easy. If you’re trying to lose weight it’s hard enough, but people who are really trying to bulk up and get the body they’ve always wanted … well, that’s going to be even harder!

Bulking up requires a lot of sustained effort and a dedicated lifestyle. If you add the right human growth hormone supplements to the mix you’re going to be improving your results and improving the speed at which you see those results as well. All of that is going to make it a lot easier to stick to your plan and your goals.

Whichever sounds like the best HGH supplement for bodybuilding to you, make sure you pick some up to try it. Most will offer a trial period or even a money-back guarantee so you can make sure it’s working for you.

Best Keto Supplements: 5 Supplements to Make the Keto Diet Easier in 2018

If you’re even considering the ketogenic diet for weight loss or any other reason, it’s important to look at how it’s going to affect you. This low-carb diet, with its lack of carbs, has been widely publicized as being quite difficult to maintain.

A number of people struggle to get into ketosis—the key component of the diet—but it doesn’t have to be so hard. There are methods that you can use to make the process easier; you just need to know the best keto supplements and you’ll be off to the races, right?

Read on to find out about the best ketogenic supplements for the perfect keto diet.

Exogenous Ketones

Exogenous ketones are a great option for just about anyone because they come in several different forms and flavors. You can choose between pink lemonade, mixed berry and more. You can also choose between pills, powders or liquids.

Whichever is going to be easier for you to take is the way to go. They’re also shown (through research) to actually help you get into ketosis. For those who have difficulty adapting to keto, this product can speed up the process and help your body get there a whole lot easier too.

For those who struggle to stick to the right carb or protein requirements, it is essential to take exogenous ketone supplements to keep you from being knocked out of ketosis. It achieves this by lowering the blood glucose levels and taking control of your insulin release. All of this is done by boosting your ketone levels.

What is even more important, however, is that it can help you get through keto flu a whole lot easier because the ketones are introduced a whole lot earlier. On top of everything, exogenous ketone supplements also help with your appetite control and improve your brain’s function.


If you don’t know what this is yet, then you should definitely look into it because it’s going to make your life a whole lot easier. MCT oil is actually clear and entirely tasteless, which means it’s easier for you to take.

In general, it’s a type of fat that your body can use and doctors are already prescribing for ailments like digestive system disorders and seizures. However, if you’re following a keto diet there are other reasons you’re going to want to give it a try.

This oil is actually great for improving your weight loss, increasing your energy, decreasing your appetite and even producing ketones. When you introduce the supplement to your diet (which you can do any way you want) your body responds by turning it into energy and ketones.

They get processed quickly and easily and then you start feeling the effects just like that. If you’re the type who is struggling with high blood sugar and LDL cholesterol you’ll also see benefits there.

Collagen Peptides

You already have collagen in your body. In fact, it makes up about 30% of the protein that your body contains. It is an essential part of the makeup of your skin, bones, cartilage and a whole lot more. Of course, there are several different types of collagen throughout the body and each is used for slightly different things.

It generally comes directly from the body and is created when you consume proteins. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t release it into your body in the form of collagen peptides.

Aside from the benefits to your diet, you’re going to see a whole lot of great benefits to collagen peptides. That’s because it helps you get healthier-looking, younger skin, stronger muscles, stronger bones, less inflammation, and healthier joints.

It also helps you feel better after a workout. Of course, if you’re on the keto diet, you’ll care that it’s going to make you feel fuller because of the protein but is digestible enough that it won’t kick you back out of ketosis.


This is actually a whole classification of different products, from sodium and magnesium to potassium, chloride, and calcium. You want each of these because they are going to help you balance out your body’s nutrients and keep you in the best possible health.

This means you may need to take several different types of nutrients in the form of the foods you eat and the supplements you take. If you’re not careful, a lack of any of these could make you sick and that definitely wreaks havoc on your plans.

The reason you’re going to need electrolyte supplements is that the first part of your ketogenic diet is going to make you urinate frequently, which means you’re going to lose a lot of the electrolytes your body needs. Most people who experience keto flu and muscle cramps are actually experiencing a decrease in electrolytes.


The final supplement that you really need in your diet is fiber. That’s because fiber is going to be difficult to come by when you’re on a low-carb diet. You won’t get a lot of fiber in your diet and that means you end up feeling constipated or even bloated.

This can make you feel off and cause fat malabsorption. By taking fiber supplements, you’re going to have fewer of these problems, but it depends on the specific forms you take, such as chia seeds, ground flaxseed, acacia fiber, and psyllium husk.


If you’re looking to make your keto diet easier to follow and you’re hoping to ease off on keto flu, then you’re definitely going to want all of these supplements. Check out the daily nutrition guidelines to make sure you’re getting your daily amount between the foods that you eat and the supplements that you take.

If you aren’t careful you could end up struggling with low nutrients, which could mean a whole lot more than keto flu. If you take care of your nutrient needs you’re going to find the process of getting into ketosis is much simpler and that you actually feel great about getting the diet started.

Get the most out of your diet and make sure you are losing the weight you’re looking for and getting healthier.